This work analyzes the history of coffee in Costa Rica and its links with geopolitics, to reconstruct the development of German capital in the country, from the early twentieth century to the years preceding the Second World War. It answers a series ..
This publication is contributing to the present historiography in presenting one of the first studies, which tries to explain the importance of the province of Limon to its Afro-Costa Rican population. The book is shifting the focus of earlier histor..
El panorama global del siglo XXI está marcado por la consolidación de China como la segunda economía mundial. A medida que se afianza su penetración en Latinoamérica, Ecuador y Costa Rica alcanzan alianzas estratégicas con el gigante asiático. No obs..
Valuable compilation of studies and methodological proposals for the training of workers in organizational projects. As its title indicates, a set of proposals is put forward to allow socially excluded sectors to act from their own conditions, and th..
Esta investigación brinda los elementos necesarios para que los lectores —especializados o no— puedan comprender de manera clara y amena los puntos de contacto y las diferencias que existieron entre los cultos mistéricos, atestiguados en el mundo gre..
The proposal of this work lies in providing the working methodology that allows the museum to create the conditions for its own institutional sustainability, in human resources, infrastructure and logistics...
The pen and the methodological ability of the historian is present again in this work that, surely, will be taken as a reference source when considering for those who speak about anarchism and / or consider themselves anarchists, therefore, the readi..
This work is very useful for the study of different dimensions of economics and administration. His doctoral proposal has tested the explanatory and predictive capacity in the analysis of the depression of fixed resources as a means of acquisitions a..