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Librería UCR

Editorial UCR

Ad Ardua Per Alta: A Biography Of Marques De Peralta (Printed book)
This book is an analysis of the life of the illustrious Costa Rican diplomat. The research describes the achievements and failures of the most prominent diplomat Costa Rican history, both in his public and private life. Walking through diplomatic car..
Aesthetics Of The Edge: Artistic Practices And Violence Against Women In Latin America (Printed book)
Este libro analiza, desde el punto de vista de la teoría estética feminista, un corpus de producciones visuales que denuncia la violencia contra las mujeres al explorar los bordes de la construcción de un sujeto femenino como una praxis estético-polí..
Africa In America (Printed book)
History of culture, nationalism, Islam, free trade, forced migration of African, Latin American politics. All topics are accompanied by an extensive bibliography that can lead students and teachers to delve into the issues involved...
Afro-Costa Rica Citizenship: The Great Scenario Between 1923 and 1967 (Printed book)
After Breaking the Silence: Psychotherapy with Child Abuse Survivors (Printed book)
This is a book aimed at workers who care mental health and provide treatment for survivors of child abuse is. the consequences of this abuse (physical, emotional, sexual) and principles, strategies and techniques for psychotherapy (long-term) exposed..
Agroecological Production: An Option for Chayote Cultivation Development (Printed book)
This book provides information on the botanical, biological and ecological aspects of chayote, their problems in the conventional management and the need to encourage crop diversification and organic production as important components of an agro-ecol..
Agronomic Management And Economic Analysis Of Asparagus Cultivation For Tropical Conditions. A Ten-Year Research Experience (Printed book)
This publication presents the most important aspects of growing asparagus in the middle of Costa Rica. The information obtained is based on the experience of 10 years of research and development. emphasis on technical production and post harvest hand..
Air Continuity (Printed book)
Continuity of the Air fills us with a world that possesses everything: childhood, adolescence, maturity. With a clear and simple style, with no filigree or surplus embellishments, with fresh, original and accurate images. It also gives us beautiful, ..
Showing 9 to 16 of 1361 (171 Pages)