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Librería UCR

Editorial UCR

10 Centavos Ten Studies on Numismatic Costa Rican (Printed book)
In this text the reader finds studies on coins, tickets, tickets and medals published between 2004 and 2010, and a gallery of 150 images of numismatic interest. They analyze the use of plants in coins since 1821, the numismatic quotations in Conileia..
21 Personality Subfactors. A New Methodology of Psychodiagnostic Evaluation (Printed book)
Scientific, academic and didactic work, of great practical use in obtaining clinical psychodiagnosis in the different areas of applied psychology. It presents to the professional and student of psychology an inventory of functional, valid and reliabl..
A Century of Costa Rican Education: 1814-1914 (Printed book)
This paper presents the development of education in Costa Rica between two important milestones: the creation of the House of Education of Santo Tomas in 1814, which enabled the initiation of formal training in the country beyond the first few letter..
A Century Of Palestinian Immigration Into Central America. A Study Of Their Economic And Cultural Contributions (Printed book)
This essay constitutes a first approach to the study of Palestinian immigrants in Central America from the late nineteenth century to the present. It also analyzes their economic and cultural contributions in the different Central American states and..
A Fragmented Country: La Carpio: Community. Culture and Politics (Printed book)
It analyzes the emergence and daily life of La Carpio, one of the largest binational communities in Central America, and discusses the images that circulate in the media and the ways in which this group responds to these images...
A Little Known Journey: The Visit of Elijah Al-Mawsili: Chaldean Priest Iraqi. To Colonial America 1669 -1680 (Printed book)
This book reconstructs the journey and the contributions of the priest Elias al-Mawsili, from the story that the traveler wrote from memory many years after his return to the Middle East. During his last years he settled in a convent in Syria, where ..
A Shelter For Humanism: General Studies Building Enrique Macaya Lahmann (Printed book)
History of the building Enrique Macaya, in which the humanist ideas sketched at the dawn of the Institution and the need to provide shelter. The chronological account that reaches its restoration to celebrate 50 years, includes people and facts, whic..
Achilles. Sculptor (Printed book)
This publication brings together the work of several researchers close to the world of art. His essays offer a glimpse into the various facets of the sculptural and literary work of Aquiles Jiménez...
Showing 1 to 8 of 1359 (170 Pages)